Wednesday, January 30, 2008


These last few days I have been reading. My transition period to a “possible” PhD (I don’t know if I am through yet) hasn’t been productive. Also, being a football fan doesn’t help as the season is warming up and promises to be an exciting 3 horse race (Ha! Fuck you Liverpool.).

So it has been Turgenev and Hornby - nihilism and football. Throw in a couple of Manchester United autobiographies (Ryan Giggs and Sir Alex, if THEY aren’t Manchester United…) and you realize that nearly a month has been lost.

You will find many interpretations for Fathers and Sons (if you need even one at all), I remember showing it to my father a couple of years back and he wasn’t exactly thrilled. I am not going to review it here, do read it if you find the time though. Also, here is an interesting link that I found concerning the relationship between Turgenev and Dostoevsky.

Nick Hornby suggests in his book (Fever Pitch) that males are defined by their passions rather than their personalities. The true sport fanatic probably knows what Mr. Hornby is talking about. I am a miserable conversationalist and yet I can be remarkably eloquent when I talk football. (And the batting average with women suddenly makes sense…ok not so suddenly). And yes, I know all the jokes, I have loved united, they haven’t loved me back etc. etc.
I truly wish that Hornby was a united supporter. Arsenal doesn’t deserve him.

The male obsession with sport is a bit of a cliché. In Annie Hall, when asked “What is so fascinating about sitting around watching a bunch of pituitary cases stuff a ball through a hoop” Woody Allen replies that its physical and the body doesn’t lie. The point being we can probably fake intellectual sophistication but out in a football field our limitations are evident… immediately. (No basketball for me and I am too lazy to paraphrase). I relate to this, I am not much of a winger, dynamic goal scoring record though. Yes, I blame them lungs.

Oh and the damn draw for the F.A cup was rigged surely, we play Arsenal at home and Liverpool has BarnsleyBarnsley for god sake.

On a parting note, I can’t believe that arguably the best movie of the year is a limited release. I am disappointed that I won’t be able to catch ‘There will be blood’ on screen, bah State College is the arsehole of nowhere.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Football and United.

Ah yes football, (Insert poetic crap to make it sound deep)

As I said before, I am an ardent Manchester united fan. I have had my fair share of piss taking contests with other fans from rival clubs.

You know... the standard drill "Your club is absolute shite, you scousers can’t tell your arse from your head"

Or the good old ones like

"Ever heard why Jesus wasn’t born in North London? Cause they couldn’t find 3 wise men or a virgin there."

Not exactly subtle, but football fans aren’t the brightest lot.

So how do people choose a club to support? I wasn’t born in Manchester; I am from Madras, when I started football I had options open to me. It was rational of me to choose united, they were playing the best football, they were winning trophies, call me a glory hunter, sue me. I doubt you would watch united v southend play in a shit hole at 3 am local time.

Why did my mates choose Liverpool then? They had won fuck all for the past n years, Ah yes they have a rich "history", but that doesn’t count for much if you are 12 and people around you are following cricket.

Do it for the fun, do they? Just to piss their mates off? Bah.

I hate them scousers.

This sums it up.

All with the kiss kiss bang bang in the end too :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Kissing before banging.

The blog is named after the Shane Black movie.
It has nothing to do with me really. I haven't being kissing or banging. All the other names were taken. Come to think, my blog has nothing to do with the movie either. I thought it was a "catchy" name. I wanted a catchy name, others have catchy names. And I am capable of being more sorry than they are.
Like everyone else I started blogging out of boredom. I don't particular care if people read this blog, Ok wait I do.
I promise to try and keep this blog interesting. You can send me money if you find it interesting.Ill put up a "paypal" link soon.
I have two interests in life - movies and Manchester United. You ll find me dropping references alluding to my interests all the time, don't fret too much, I have nothing else to talk about.
Oh and I am your typical graduate student, poor, overworked(?) and therefore cynical. I guess that's me in a few words.
We can have deep philosophical discussions about existentialism and objectivism and nihilism etc etc when I am drunk.
I welcome abuse and comments, I shall get more of the former since I am a guy, no doubt.
Welcome to the machine, eh?