Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Kissing before banging.

The blog is named after the Shane Black movie.
It has nothing to do with me really. I haven't being kissing or banging. All the other names were taken. Come to think, my blog has nothing to do with the movie either. I thought it was a "catchy" name. I wanted a catchy name, others have catchy names. And I am capable of being more sorry than they are.
Like everyone else I started blogging out of boredom. I don't particular care if people read this blog, Ok wait I do.
I promise to try and keep this blog interesting. You can send me money if you find it interesting.Ill put up a "paypal" link soon.
I have two interests in life - movies and Manchester United. You ll find me dropping references alluding to my interests all the time, don't fret too much, I have nothing else to talk about.
Oh and I am your typical graduate student, poor, overworked(?) and therefore cynical. I guess that's me in a few words.
We can have deep philosophical discussions about existentialism and objectivism and nihilism etc etc when I am drunk.
I welcome abuse and comments, I shall get more of the former since I am a guy, no doubt.
Welcome to the machine, eh?


Unknown said...

Man you are da adi da!! ............ There thats what you wanted me to say no? Oh wait! well, never mind, its true anyway

And how come i didnt get a mention in roll call of vague friends? You could have atleast written "Main Man, tell hot women to look at it da, I ( i.e. you) will bring the dogs" :P

Susu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Susu said...

So talking about the model...
I am constantly evaluating the impact of external bursts like these in the effective queue dynamics. Considering five elements in the queue as first five alphabets; a,b...e, then I think ultimate goal can easily be defined as a function of the external elements 6-9th alphabets,
f,g,h,i, and a little tact.
Call me to discuss further on the stochastic aspect of this model!!

Wonder how could u refer me along with Ramki when it coems to math modeling!! ggrrhh....

Aditya Ramani said...

@chris/mainman: Quite the witty fucker you have become eh mainman? You and nahata can start a club. The potential I tell you. You put and I hang..The dogs will too.

@ sus: hehe, the ultimate objective is just that. We would pay for it, ramki is THE financial manager, chetti bloodline. Where is he anyway?

Ramakrishnan Krishnan said...

@Susu: do NOT doubt my capabilities as adi says :)

@adi: i cudnt find GG (doent refer to the gumbal :P) in chenai...lemme know where u get them...shall get it when i get t chennai the next time.

shall update all once i reacg IAD :)

Mayur said...

@Susu: Well played

@Adi: Kissing and Banging? Why didnt you think Belch Belch or something that you can claim cognizance :D.

Why didnt you let the people of the world know your like and unlikes da adi :D

Isnt the 'catchy' part a rip off from some movie, I cant place it. My apologies. I believe I have the memory of a _____, in your words.

I will take a pass on putting music fundae this time :)

Aditya Ramani said...

@ Mayur: Goldfish.
Never understimate the predictability of stupidity my friends.Bagul,you know nothing of diamonds.
Catchy is not a "rip off" from any movie that I have seen.
The sorry part however, is obviously Dr. Strangelove. (duh!).
A disclaimer about the movie references is in the article somewhere, lemme guess you jumped onto the comments section without reading...you attention seeker, you.
(appropriate usage of :D)

Mayur said...

@Adi: Posh Tosh. Dropping references to movie lines eh? Why didnt I think of this? Truly you are awesome da adi. Maybe I should reply with song titles like, 'Carry on my wayword son', I will not help you out with the rest of the lyrics but read it to enjoy the fullness of the comment.

Victory be mine! On a parting note, I really wonder how interesting life would be as a goldfish, where all I would keep doing every 5 seconds would be, 'Oh! look there's a new lass in the neighborhood,maybe I should chat her up!' :D

Mayur said...


For 10 points or your life.....
Do you think this blog's owner needs to be shot? If so, which of the following options, is the most suitable.
a) Closeted personality ( :D)
b) Being a pain in the wrong places
c) For contributing to the larger climatic processes, in a no non-trivial way

If you believe he shouldnt be shot, please give 3 good reasons, why? :D

Aditya Ramani said...

begone bagul..
We dont want to waste public space by writing puerile crap eh mayur?
new lass in the neighbourhood?
Hmm...lass?..really?..Wait let me guess "Posh tosh" eh?
Or whatever has you heart racing this time around..easy to please are you?
Comments are appreciated, if they have anything to do with the damn articles..go figure.

GrafX_Blog said...

hello thalai...nice scheme to fund g-gun manufacturing endeavours...all the best to you...msg me if you come online.